Level Passwords Cheat Code

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Cheat Codes > PC Games Cheat Codes > Earthworm Jim > Level passwords

Level Passwords - Earthworm Jim

| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

How To: Level passwords

LEVEL Password
What the HeckKettle, Faucet, Cow, Faucet, Cow, Faucet
Down the TubesPaint, Faucet, TV, Faucet, Cone, TV
Pod racesCone, Kettle, Cone, Cow, Cow, Kettle
Snot a ProblemCow, Kettle, TV, Cow, Kettle, Paint
Level 5TV, TV, Cow, Can, Cow, Hammer
DarknessKettle, Paint, Can, Faucet, Paint, Faucet
Peter PuppyCow, TV, Kettle, Cow, Kettle, Paint
ButtvilleCan, TV, TV, Kettle, Cone, Cow
Andy AsteroidsCone, Faucet, Cow, Cow, Cow, TV
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Cheat Code Level passwords