The Explorer At The Flooded Courtyard Cheat Code

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Cheat Codes > PlayStation2 Cheat Codes > Pitfall: The Lost Expedition > The explorer at the Flooded Courtyard

The Explorer At The Flooded Courtyard - Pitfall: The Lost Expedition

| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

How To: The explorer at the Flooded Courtyard

When you have received your pick axes, go through the Jungle Trail until you reach the hole that leads to the Flooded Courtyard. Go around it to the mesh of roots, and roll under it by holding down R1 and using the Left Analog-stick to control your movement. Get past the scorpions and use your pick axes to climb up the ice. On the ledge above the ice, you will see a hole, in which is the shortcut to the Flooded Courtyard. Roll under it. When you arrive at the Flooded Courtyard, to your right you will see the explorer in a cage. On the bottom ledge there is an idol.
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Cheat Code The explorer at the Flooded Courtyard